About me

Hi there!

My name is Jacek Dargiel. I’m a JavaScript Developer from Warsaw, Poland. I work for 10Clouds - a major polish software house focused on web, mobile and design. I have five years of commercial Front-end Development experience, with some non-commercial projects earlier. I will not pretend to be an expert in anything. I do however love to learn and consume knowledge. I’m an enthusiast of shiny new technologies. Sometimes an evangelist even. I work with HTML5, CSS3, JS Web APIs, and more high-level frameworks like Angular and React.

This blog is my playground. You can read my thoughts on the technical aspects of the projects I work on at the moment, technologies I choose, and why. If you like what you read here, please subscribe to my feed and share links with your friends and co-workers. All the content you’ll find here is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Oh, and find me on Front-end conferences in Warsaw and around Poland.

Have a splendid day!